

Vanshika Pandey



My Dream Career

Published on July, 09 2021

In today'sworld, there are so many professions,  jobs, and careers for the young wonders to dream of.

They have a dreamthat they would becometeachers, doctors, scientists, astronauts, and whatnot. Everybody has a dream of what he/she wants to become, but the way to the officer is not easy.If you want to follow your dream you have to, be confident, determined, motivated, inspired toed.  And today I want to share my dream with you all, I aspireto be an IAS officer and do something for my country.As we all are aware of the strugglesfacedy the people of ourcountry.Crises like poverty, unemployment, and the safety of women are some of the problems confronted by our country. The freedom which we have got, is it just for the rich people? Is it not for the poor?Imagine how would their life be with no money sometimes little food or maybeno food. Sounds heartbreaking!

In India, so many people die due to poverty. Our country is still not considered safe for women. Every day we get to hear about harassment and exploitation. I want to make my country safer for women and do my best to remove poverty from India.


Inspiration is a such thing that supports us. When we are inspired by someone we become more focused and dedicated toaccomplishing our dream. Several things try to distract us, may it be people around us or social media, but if you are determined and motivated enough you will be able to overcome that distraction. Never divert fromyour dream because of what people think, it is easy to criticize other and judge others action but it is difficult to lead this difficult road to success. So don't let others words stop you from achieving your goal.You should never be discouraged by failures and think of them as a lesson. To become an IAS officer I got inspiration from  Srushti  Jayant  Deshmukh  She is an IAS officer and got 5th rank all over India in 2019.She inspired media has watched all her interviews, speeches, and strategies. I amextremelydelighted that my dream is to do something for my country. IAS  is oneof the most prestigious jobs which one can get and is respected allover the country.

Success is a lock whose keys we hold, but until and unless we are clear about our goal and give it our all,we won'tbeable to achieve it.