Role of Technology in Education
Technology has impacted almostevery aspect of life and education is the one,which has been benefitted the most.Sinceancient times technology has enhanced education in several ways such as tools used for writing like clay tablets and painting on cave walls and so on. Technology kept progressing and never stopped. Day by day it is improving and will keep improving for sure. The essential objective of educational technology is to improve the quality of education and enhance the learning as well as the teaching process.
One may think technology is just a distraction, but it can help encourage active participation in your classroom. Using devices like a computer, tablet or other types of technology in your classroom help turn traditionally dull subjects into interactive and fun activities.
As we are aware of last year’s pandemic and the struggles it brought along, we learnt so much from it. This made us realize that we cannot ignore the importance of technology.During COVID 19 situation, when the entire world got stuck in the lockdown situation everything including schools got closed and there was no option left to keep the teaching and learning process on. It was the technology that kept the learning process alive.
An uninterrupted virtual platform was created with the help of technology. Teachers and students remained connected via video classes. Eventually conducting daily classes was possible along with morning assemblies.

In addition to that “Google Classroom” was one of the most effective tools to share all study material likeclasswork, homework, Google forms etc. Other tools like edpuzzle,which consists of educational videos from YouTube madestudents understand the concepts more effectively. Several other learning apps were introduced which made the academic and extracurricular activities progressing week on week and month on month, without any hassle.

Technology has globalised education and it has been proved during our school fest “Sanhita”, which was a great success. Our students connected virtually with many educationists, entrepreneurs, authors, radio jockeys, from different countries.
The advancement of technology has provided bigger opportunities and scope to the students in various fields. Tablets, mobiles and laptops at homes are no more limited to playing games, watching movies, messaging; rather such things have empowered the education system in any situation. Now a five-plus kid can learn to code and make an app. Today’s student does not only play games but can create one.

Now the time has come when technology has proved its importance in every individual’s life. It has become a necessity to survive in today’s e- world.Education is one of the most important professions in the working world. Technology has done many things for us in today’s society especially, for education and schools. Technology in the school system has impacted the students and teachers in many positive ways. The study says, nine out of ten students indicated that using technology in the classroom will prepare them for the digital future. Introducing technology in the classroom at a young age help set your students up for success.
When technology played a minimal role in education, parents had very little insight into what was happening in their child’s education beyond what they were told at home or during PMI’s. With the help of technology, parents can be much more informed and involved in their child’s learning process. When parents play a role in education, students are more likely to succeed and be motivated to learn. And if a parent needs to reach out to a teacher or administrator, they can do so with a quick email. If parents struggle to help their child with homework, technology can be a great aid. Various educational sites and apps can provide step by step tutorials on most of the subjects.
In the end, I would like to remind you of the quote ofa famous writer, “technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great of teachers can be transformational.”